Welcome to Ginkgo's Print & Play Card Game

Each card is uniquely generated, offering infinite possibilities for replayability and a fresh experience every time you play.


These rules may change as the game develops.


Basic Overview:

Objective: To have the highest Lasting Prestige after 3 rounds (or more).

Cards Used: Friend cards

Anatomy of a Friend Card:

  • Friend cost: Number in the upper right corner. Action Cost: the number in front of the actions text.
  • P = Prestige
  • S = Strike
  • R = Resilience
  • T = Target
  • E = Experience Level is equal to the total number of Experiences a Friend card has (Even if it says the same Experience twice), for ex.
    Farmer = 1,
    Farmer - Crafter = 2,
    Farmer - Crafter - Farmer = 3
  • 🔺= Target Opposing Friend(s) with the highest of this stat
  • 🔻= Target Opposing Friend(s) with the lowest of this stat

Setup: Shuffle all 9 cards. Each player spread the cards face down in a row in front of them. So how many cards are remaing for each player is easily seen, and it's clear where the top and bottom of the stack is. Then each player plays the top card of their stack. (Playing mean putting it into the play area face up, performing any on play actions and paying the Friends cost by drawing cards equal to the Friends cost.) The player with the most remaining cards in their stack goes first. If there is a tie determine first player any way you like.

Turn Actions:

During a turn, a player can keep playing friend cards from their hand or requesting actions until their stack has less cards then their oppenents stack. A player can just draw a card if they don't want to or can't play or request any actions (Only one card can be drawn at a time before determining if turns need to be switched.):

  1. Playinge a Friend card or requesting an action be performed: Friend cards are played in a line from one side of the play area to the other. When an action is requested perform the action on the card. After Playing a friend or requesting an action, pay its costs by drawing that many cards:
  2. You can't play a card or request an action if there is not enough cards left in a players stack to pay the cost.
  3. Recalculate after each action and Friend played.


Do in order

  1. 1st Phase:
  2. Strike with the current players first Friend. Then the other player's first friend, then current player's second Friend, etc. until all Friend's Strikes are calculated. A friend strikes by putting strike counters equal to it's strike on it's target(s).
    For ex. If the target is 🔺 P put strike counters equal to the Friend's strike on the opponenst Friend(s) with the highest P value. 🔺 S = highest Strike, 🔻 S = lowest Strike, 🔻 R = lowest Resilience etc.
    If there is a tie for highest or lowest, put strike counters go on all that are tied.
  3. If any players still have cards in their stacks, calculating ends here. And either turn switches or the current player keeps playing until they have less cards in their stack then their oppenent. A turn also end if a players stack goes to zero.
  4. If all players have empty stacks, move to these phases to determine a winner, and by how much lasting prestige they won.
  5. 2nd Phase: Abandons: Friends with strike counters on them greater than or equal to their Resilience get put aside and don't lend their prestige to the 3rd phase.
  6. 3rd Phase: Prestige: Both players sum up their remaining Friends' Prestige. The player with the highest Total Prestige gets Lasting Prestige equal to their prestige minus their opponents.
  7. 4th Phase: Play again: Redo the setup, players that didn't get lasting prestige may swap cards out of their 9 cards less than or equal to the lasting Prestige earned in the last round.

Congrats! Enjoy the game and Make Friends!